National Olympic Committee of Solomon Islands (NOCSI) wishes IOC scholarship recipients and the Weightlifting team all the best competing at the Oceania Championships starting tomorrow 21-25 of February.
The National Olympic Committee of Solomon Islands (NOCSI) wish IOC scholarship recipients, Jenly Tegu Wini and Mary Kini Lifu and the Solomon Islands Weightlifting Federation team that left the country yesterday to compete at the ‘Oceania Weightlifting Championships and Olympic qualifier for Senior/Junior and Youth in Auckland, New Zealand starting tomorrow 21st and concludes on the 25th all the best. The athletes are; Jenly Tegu Wini, Mary Kini Lifu, Janita Ereanimae, Lorah Maelosia, Freeman Hale and accompanied by coach Wendy Hale and Team Manager Apollos Saeg.